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Everen Industry Company Limited
Guangdong, China
Main categories: Mattress Machine, Mattress Fabric, Mattress Spring, Mattress Accessories, Non-woven Fabric
Ranked #7 best sellers in Foam Cutting MachineTotal trading staff (9)Total floorspace (1,355㎡)Sample-based customizationFinished product inspection

Highly recommended

Everen was founded in the year of 2006. Through out the years, by the hardworking of our diligent people, and thanks to the continuous support from world wide customers, Everen now becomes a group of companies,which are:
1. Everen Industry, for mattress machines.
2. Everen Solutions, for mattress materials.
3. Everen Manufacturing, for pocket springs and non woven fabric.
Along with our growing and expansion, creating the value for our customers has been the main purpose of our business. To help built a better mattress remains a perpetual mission of all of our Everen members.